Coughing, chest pain, risk of diseases.

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Coughing is a defense mechanism of the respiratory system to help remove something that is blocking or disturbing the airway so that breathing can continue normally. Although coughing is a normal response of the body, persistent or chronic coughing that causes chest pain can be a sign of certain diseases. Therefore, symptoms should be observed regularly. 

Most coughs that cause chest pain are common illnesses that can be cured with self-care. In a small number of cases, coughing that causes chest pain is a sign of lung and heart disease. People who have coughs that cause chest pain should be aware of other symptoms that occur along with coughing that causes chest pain in order to identify the exact cause of the illness and choose the appropriate treatment method.

Common causes of coughing that causes chest pain include the following:

Pulmonary tuberculosis , although in the early stages there are no symptoms, when the disease progresses, there will be symptoms of chronic cough, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, some cases may cough up blood, chest pain, สมัคร ufabet, shortness of breath.

Lung cancer, when the disease is more advanced, has a chronic cough. Some people may cough up fresh blood. Some people may have chest pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, or fever.

Asthma or bronchitis  Asthma is a disease that can be cause by many things, such as allergies, air pollution, smoking, and viral respiratory infections in children or infants. Because mucus blocks the airways, it causes chronic coughing until chest pain. It may be a dull pain, sudden pain, or a feeling like needles are stabbing.  A cough that causes chest pain often occurs before or during an asthma attack, and is accompanied by difficulty breathing. Triggers include certain foods, stress, cigarette smoke, or animal feathers or wings. 

Sinusitis is often preced by a cold or allergies. In some cases, cold symptoms may initially improve, then worsen. Coughing is common at night because of postnasal drip.

Hypersensitive respiratory tract disease occurs after a respiratory infection, i.e. after a cold has passed but a cough remains, especially at night or when the air is cold, wind, etc.

Allergies to the air often cause itchy nose, itchy throat, coughing, sneezing, and in some cases, a runny nose. Symptoms often occur when exposed to allergens such as dust mites, pollen, animal hair, cold air, etc.